EINet EINet Information Server Console

Any new process introduces new administration requirements. Setting up an information system of clients and servers is no exception. You gain cost and productivity benefits from such a system. But there are also costs associated with maintaining that system.

Minimize your administration time and costs with the EINet Information Server Console (ISC). The ISC is a GUI tool for managing your information servers. Use the ISC to:

The ISC Streamlines Server Configuration

Ask anyone who has added a MIME type to a World-Wide Web (WWW) server or indexed a WAIS server--configuration is the most difficult task facing an information server administrator. Typically, to configure a server the administrator must go through a time-consuming and often confusing process of editing one or more configuration files.

The ISC greatly simplifies server configuration. It provides a single GUI to configure each server. And the ISC provides default values for most of the server configuration parameters. Rather than require the administrator to understand and set many parameters, the administrator can accept the ISC defaults to quickly configure a new server.

The ISC Controls and Monitors Server Status

Keeping multiple servers running smoothly is easy with the ISC.

The status is continually updated at an interval defined by the administrator and can optionally include any processes a server has started. If a server program stops abnormally, the administrator can set options for the ISC to beep, display a warning message, send e-mail to the administrator, and restart the server.

Quickly Review Log Information and Generate Usage Statistics

Each information server maintains a log file containing a record of who connected to the server, the files that were accessed, and any operational errors the server encountered. The ISC provides a log file viewer for browsing and searching the server's log file. The viewer can actively monitor the log file and update its display as the server adds information to the log.

The ISC generates usage statistics from the log file information. The statistics report for a WWW server includes:

The WWW report can be generated in HTML (the text format used by WWW documents). A report generation schedule can be set up so that the ISC automatically generates reports at specific times on specified days.

The ISC reduces server administration time. And its intuitive interface and use of default values means less knowledge is required to administer your information system.

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